We are enthusiastic about the beautiful lessons that Judaism has to offer, and we hope to transmit that excitement to the children through the excellent Hebrew School program at Chabad.

The Chabad Hebrew School offers an outstanding program that will give your child a solid foundation in the fundamentals of Judaism, and will instill in your child the faith, beauty and values of our heritage.

All lessons will be taught in a manner that will give the children a great appreciation of our rich Jewish heritage. Role-playing, arts & crafts, and songs will be incorporated to help make the lessons enjoyable.

We plan special programs during the year, such as Shabbat experiences, Shofar Factory, Chanukah Rally, Purim Fun, Passover Matzah Baking, Model Seder, Lag B'Omer Community Barbeque, and more, to develop and maintain strong participation and enthusiasm from our students.

We believe that the joy and pride in Judaism that will be experienced at the Chabad Hebrew School will make an indelible impression upon the children.